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April 09, 2016
Thread Below the Saturday Gardening Thread [Y-not]
Busy week in the race for the GOP nomination. A few links below:
Cruz swept Colorado's district-based delegate hunt. The state-wide convention is today. Cruz will be speaking; Kasich and Trump will not.
Indiana's delegate selection process is this week. Cruz and Kasich are both expected to out-maneuver Trump.
Michigan's delegate selection process (district-wide and state convention) is this week. I tried following the results on Twitter last night, but I wasn't having much luck. I think both Trump and Kasich were winning delegates, as expected, but then I saw this:
I'm not sure how to interpret what's going on right now with the Trump campaign organization, but there has been an ongoing shakeup, at both the national and state levels. His recent hire, Paul Manafort, is very experienced, so things may turn around for the Trump campaign soon.
John Kasich (remember him?) held a town hall in Syracuse last night. The reports I saw on Twitter suggest it was the best-attended event of his campaign.
Interesting statistic here:
Current status of the race to 1237 from Nate Silver:
Finally, our favorite dark horse candidate had this to say:
Gardening thread will be up in a bit.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:35 AM
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