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April 05, 2016
Roger Stone: I'll Release the Hotel Room Information of Any Delegate Who Tries to "Steal" Trump's Nomination From Him
Be a right shame if anyone wandered in off the street and punched you up, Bruv.
[Stone] was last heard promising demonstrations at the convention if Trump doesn't win the nomination which he calls "days of rage," a name he apparently borrowed from the 1969 protests organized by Bill Ayers's old radical outfit, the Weathermen. Trump himself predicted "riots" in Cleveland if he loses a floor fight despite winning the most delegates in the primaries and he’s repeatedly winked at violence against protesters at his rallies.
All of that being so, can we not pretend like Stone isn't issuing a barely-veiled threat of harm to delegates here to try to intimidate them out of supporting their preferred candidate?
No, we have to keep on pretending, I'm sure.