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April 02, 2016
Thread Below the Gardening Thread [Y-not]
For those of you who want to talk about politics, here's some fodder.
The Tax Foundation has a handy resource for comparing the candidates' tax reform proposals. If you want to glean how their policies would affect your bottom line, the Tax Policy Center has done some data-crunching. Their work has been used to create a couple of handy tools.
The tool at the International Business Times allows you to estimate your new taxes under each candidates' proposals by plugging in your current pre-tax and after-tax annual income (or by selecting your income percentile).
A more convenient widget based on the same Tax Policy Center data is here. Interestingly, although the Tax Policy Center and Vox are both left-leaning outfits (and so if there is a bias in the "tax calculators" it would be expected to hurt the GOP candidates), there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth about their tax calculator widget by Progressives. Kind of funny.
In any event, when I used these two widgets (IBT's and Vox's) I found the Y-not household would fare best under Ted Cruz's plan. (You can read about the more controversial portion of his plan here.) According to these calculators, we'd get ahead on Trump's plan as well. Hillary's plan would (supposedly) leave our taxes unchanged.
Finally, the effects of Bernie Sanders' tax plan on our household income are best-described here:
By the way, last night while I was waiting for the candidates (and their surrogates) to speak at the Milwaukee GOP dinner, I caught CSPAN-3's broadcast of a 1980 Reagan vs GHW Bush debate. (Reagan ate Bush's lunch, in case you wondered.) Here's a clip from that debate in which they're discussing tax cuts:
Open thread for politics etc.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:30 AM
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