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Saturday Gardening Thread: Down and Dirty [Y-not and KT] »
March 19, 2016
Open Thread for Arguing [Y-not]
The Gardening Thread will be going up shortly, so here's a thread for you to use for non-gardening talk and arguing.
Some suggested topics below:
Long bow vs Crossbow
Ginger vs Mary Ann
Corvette vs Mustang
As for the last question, I vote Corvette!
Picture taken at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky (which also happens to be where all Corvettes are "born."
This is what became of the eight Corvettes that were swallowed by the sinkhole.
**UPDATE: Lizzy raised the troubling issue of catsup on hotdogs. I think this link on Hot Dog Etiquette (and condiments) makes it clear that catsup is not an appropriate condiment on a hotdog.**
Open thread, but keep it civil.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:45 AM
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