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March 05, 2016
Yesterday at CPAC: Ben Carson Officially Suspends His Campaign, Ted Cruz's Speech is Well-Received [Y-not]
Dr. Ben Carson, who had earlier signaled he was likely to be dropping out of the race for the GOP primary when he absented himself from Thursday's debate, made it official yesterday at CPAC.
Here's an excerpt from his official statement which appeared via his Facebook page:
I have committed to not endorse a specific individual, but rather "We the People." Though many today are making decisions based on fear and anger, I trust their judgment to logically examine the candidates and make the right decision by looking at:
(1) Whether they have demonstrated significant accomplishments over their lives and careers.
(2) If they have ideas that are clear and policies that are easy to find.
(3) How they treat their family and others, as that is how they will lead the country.
(4) What they have done to improve the lives of Americans; the people they are with, what they are saying and how they collaborate with others.
(5) Their ethics, because what America needs is "Trickle-down ethics."
Presidential contender Senator Ted Cruz also spoke at CPAC yesterday:
"Any time you hear someone talking about a brokered convention, it is the Washington establishment in a fevered frenzy. They're really frustrated because all of their chosen candidates, all of the golden children, the voters keep rejecting. And so they've seized on this master plan, we go to a brokered convention and the D.C. power brokers will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the Washington establishment. If that would happen we will have a manifest revolt on our hands all across this country."
Senator Marco Rubio will be addressing the group today.
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
07:34 AM
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