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March 03, 2016
Oberlin Defends Professor Who Blames 9/11 on Jews and Claims ISIS is a Jewish Creation
People have free speech on college campuses, it appears.
At least some do. If you check the right SJW identity boxes (Female, Black, Angry, Idiot, Leftist) you get to keep your right to free speech.
Karega, who has worked at Oberlin only since last year, wrote on numerous Facebook posts that she believes Israel was the mastermind behind numerous terrorist attacks around the world including 9/11 and the Charlie Hebdo slaughter in Paris.
Last January, she posted a graphic of an ISIS militant pulling off a mask of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s face with the text, "France wants to Free Palestine? Time for a false flag..."
"This ain't even hard. They unleashed Mossad on France and it's clear why," Karega wrote in a now-private post, referencing Israel’s intelligence agency.
In another post, she claimed that ISIS was created by the CIA and Mossad so that "Israeli and Zionist Jews" could carry out the 9/11 terror attacks.
The university president -- a Jewish man who lost family to the Holocaust -- defends her in the name of academic freedom.
Fine. I get that. It's a brave stance. It's a liberal stance, in the good ways that a stance can be liberal.
It's a stance that says freedom of expression is absolute, even when it's hateful to you. Especially when it's hateful to you, because that's when you'll be most tempted to compromise your principles and turn into an intolerant bully and censor.
Tell me though -- can Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannoplous come to speak at Oberlin?
Can actual Oberlin alumna Michelle Malkin come to speak at Oberlin?
I'm thinking the answer is "No," and I'm thinking furthermore that the state and all institutions are very close to declaring, officially and openly, that some people have more rights than others, and other people have fewer rights.
Based on the accident of their skin color, gender, or religion.
And this, they will say, is "progress" of the kind that progressivism seeks to bring to us all.