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March 01, 2016
Cruz Wins Big In Texas, With Nearly 40% at the Moment
Oh my. Cruz is having a night.
Well, thanks to my bragging about the manual labor I'd done when younger, the last thread turned into the Four Yorkshiremen, which isn't a bad thing.
We gotta let these effeminate millennial punks know it's okay to sweat and to go to bed with a sore back.
Anyway, Arkansas polls close in three minutes.
Decision Desk here.
Results: Hillary Clinton wins. Too early to project winner on R side, where Trump and Cruz are battling for lead.
Virginia called for Trump, by Fox Business. I guess Rubio tastes that sweet, sweet silver -- silver, the metal that's sort of like water.
Also called for Trump:
Georgia (we already knew this)
Tennessee (was some slight doubt)
Massachusetts (never any doubt-- Trump was ahead by 40 in polls)
Happening Now: Rubio is in Florida, which isn't voting today, giving a speech congratulating himself for... something.