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March 01, 2016
Now the Establishment Is Cheering the Destruction of the GOP
The Washington Post's very liberal "conservative" establishment GOP shill Jennifer Rubin wants a new GOP party that looks a great deal like the Democrat Party.
Ben Sasse, who earlier employed the liberal tactic of using the most unappealing opponents to stand in for the majority of his opponents when he read ugly Tweets from Trump supporters, says he'll vote third party if Trump is the nominee.
I can't say I blame them, as I often feel the same way. However, these types had previously urged party unity and a Just Accept What's Given To You attitude, so long as they were making the decisions and declaring what it is that shall be given to you.
Now that they feel their hold on power slipping, they're jumping third party.
Fair enough.
But let me ask them: Why the anger towards people who don't feel their power slipping, but have never felt power in their hands at all?
Should they have remained meekly on a ship whose heading and every port of call was decided by people other than themselves?
I've been saying this for the long time: If the Establishment has any interest in keeping the conservative movement unified, they must be willing to share power, and not continue to greedily keep it all in their own hands.
But they're not. They have a clear idea of the GOP -- they are the Chiefs, everyone else are the Indians.
If the Indians don't feel like following their boneheaded chiefs any longer, they'll quit the tribe and go searching for New Indians who are dumb enough to follow them.