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February 11, 2016
Ted Nugent Doubles Down on Posting That Seems to Posit That the Anti-Gun Movement Is a Jewish Conspiracy
I tried to offer a charitable interpretation for this -- that perhaps he was trying, in a crude and insulting way, to make a somewhat-coherent point that Jews, more than anyone, should fear the disarming of a population.
However, people have pointed out that it's not just the Israeli flags; each politician in his gif has some anti-semitic descriptor attached to them. Michael Bloomberg, for example, is tagged as "9/11 Israeli Agent." Another caption identifies someone as hailing from "Jew York City."
I try to fight PC, and I try to fight false accusations of racism, homophobia, anti-semitism, and etc., but there are also accurate accusations of same, and I'm having a great deal of trouble now seeing how this could be anything but an accurate accusation.