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February 03, 2016
NYT Opinion: Cruz and Rubio's Historic Performance In Iowa Isn't Historic At All, Because They're Not Really Latino
Yes, we know you think this. We know you think someone isn't a real Woman unless they're liberal, or a real Gay unless he's liberal, or a real Lesbian unless she's liberal, or a real Black unless she's liberal, or a Hispanic unless he's liberal.
And we know if a Hispanic man is involved in a controversial shooting, he's a "White Hispanic."
Glad to have this on the record and stated forthrightly: Only liberals can be minorities. Period.
With Senator Ted Cruz taking nearly 28 percent of the vote and Senator Marco Rubio getting 23 percent, each vastly surpassed the results for any other Latino candidate in any previous United States presidential contest.
How is that not being celebrated as historic or at least worth a headline for a day or two?
The answer is not that complicated: Neither Mr. Cruz nor Mr. Rubio meets conventional expectations of how Latino politicians are supposed to behave.
Neither of these candidates claims to speak for the Hispanic population or derive a crucial portion of their support from Hispanics, and neither bases much of his political identity on being a Latino.
Marco Rubio's entire stump speech is about being an immigrant of Cuban parents.
But whatever, lies are powerful things, for the stupid.
To varying degrees they oppose legalization for unauthorized immigrants, a policy that is central to most organized Latino political interests and that is supported by a great majority of Latino elected officials and Latino voters.
Yeah, Marco Rubio is really against that.
No less an arbiter than Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor, seemed to condemn them without naming names in a column last month.
I just want that repeated:
"No less an arbiter than Jorge Ramos..."
Let's begin again:
No less an arbiter than Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor, seemed to condemn them without naming names in a column last month.
“There is no greater disloyalty than the children of immigrants forgetting their own roots. That is a betrayal,” he wrote. It is criticism that echoes the rhetoric aimed at Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court and other successful members of minority groups who are perceived as failing to uphold their own group’s interests.
The day after the caucuses the headline in La Opinión, the nation’s largest Spanish-language newspaper, was “Ted Cruz, first Latino to win the Iowa caucuses. Why aren’t we celebrating?” The story argued that Mr. Cruz denies his Hispanic identity.
I hate to be That Guy who keeps telling you Marco Rubio isn't The One, but if you're thinking you can make inroads with the Hispanic community with Marco Rubio, you're fooling yourself.
He will be portrayed, as he is here, as a White Hispanic at best and a Race Traitor at worst.
The alleged leftist embrace of "non-descrimination" is just another lie: In fact, it's savagely in favor of as being a racialist and tribalist as is possible.
The New York Times is doing some pioneering work in the rediscovered field of Race Treason. They should be proud.