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January 20, 2016
Rumor: New WMUR Poll Will Show Kasich Surging in NH
Looks Like a Bad Tip -- Kasich Falls a Point
AllahPundit's post starts with John Kasich calling himself the Prince of Light and Peace or something and then gets more serious, with a poll about to drop suggesting Kasich is going to be confirmed as being a top contender in NH (or at least a top contender for the 2nd place spot, which is one of those coveted "tickets out of New Hampshire").
I will be curious to see, if this grim omen should prove true, if all the people yelling "you can't support Trump, he's not a conservative" jump on the Kasich train when he's, bizarrely, the best establishment hope.
Poll Out: Well this isn't a big deal at all, I don't think.
Cinyc writes:
Thankfully, this rumor is false. Kasich is only at 6% in the CNN/WMUR poll, tied for 5th with Chris Christie. Trump is at 34%, Cruz 14%, Rubio and Bush 10%, Christie and Kasich 6%. Kasich actually lost 1 point from their December poll.
Looks like a good poll for Trump as well as Cruz (he's rising to second, and looks like he's still rising), and not so good polls for everyone else.
Where did this "Kasich Fever" rumor come from?
Florida: In the Sunshine State, it's Trump 48, Cruz in second with 16, and Rubio -- the Favorite Son -- at 11.
Well so much for that, then.
So it's a two man race, and one man is plainly ahead.
Now if those stubborn Rubio supporters would just get on the Cruz Cruise, we could finally have a real race here.