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December 27, 2015
Football Sunday in America! - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
Boy, oh, boy.
What shall we discuss today? If only there were something of interest in the news; Something related to football, and heroes, and dirty deeds...
Peyton Manning has been found guilty of taking performance enhancing drugs.
Yes. I know it's a sad day when heroes fall, but fall they do.
Have any of you watched the documentary about Lance Armstrong titled 'Stop At Nothing'? Hoo boy! Talk about a dirty bastard! I suppose if he can be found guilty of cheating, then nobody is above the dirty business.
I suppose, next, based upon the evidence, he'll be immediately suspended for four games.
I mean, he's no better than Tom Brady, right?
The Patriots! OMG! Has Manning ever screwed them!
That's it, damnit! Kick him out of the league. Throw away the key!
Fans demand equal treatment for all.
Wait. Wut?
Oh, and this! This PROVES he's guilty!
Am I mocking what could be a potentially devastating story if found to be true? Yes. I AM mocking it because, at this point, it is merely an accusation by a man of questionable character, fed to a dubious source for news, and taken as fact by the fans of a team who seemingly do not care about the harm it will do when and if whether or not it is proven true.
Love of the game, eh?
I've already had to block one jackass on Twitter who accused me of having, get this, a "narrative", because I had the temerity to suggest that we wait for evidence of his guilt before stringing him up in the public square.
Wanna know why some people are rubbed the wrong way by Tom Brady and the Pats? Refer to that last sentence. The constant stream of bullshit spewed forth by SOME of their fans has the effect of turning football fans in general against the team itself. Get a freaking grip, people!
Good Lord, but I have some nerve, don't I?
Now for the pretty girls.

And a MNF bonus pic:
And, finally, for this, the last Football Sunday thread of 2015, I'm posting my longest standing crush. I've been gaga for this funny, goofy bastard for about 35 years now.
Ah, heck. Why not one more photo for you. It's not like we're going to see this team in the playoffs so why save the pic for later?
Find the schedules and the standings here.
Enjoy the games, folks.
UPDATE: This made me giggle

posted by Open Blogger at
12:38 PM
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