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Another Open Thread For the Main Debate Which Could Hypothetically Be Interesting Except You're Exhausted From Watching The Last One »
December 15, 2015
Open Thread: The Early Debate Which No One Will Be Watching
So with Perry out, Fiorina advanced to the main stage, and now Jindal out, I can blow off this early debate without any guilt. The early debate is Senator Lindsey Graham, former Governor Mike Huckabee, former Senator Rick Santorum, former Governor George Pataki, and tech magnate Karl Sternovich.
Use this as an open thread or to comment on the debate.
(Note: Karl Sternovich does not exist and is probably one of those Marvel villains you never heard of until your geek friend says "Oh wow, they teased Karl Sternovich in the post-credit sequence in Ant-Man" so now you have to look him up on MarvelWiki." Then you find out his criminal alias is Doctor Accordion aka The Telescoping Man and you're like, "Oh. They tricked me into being briefly interested in insipid nonsense again."
Like in Winter Soldier when you get excited that Cap's fighting Batroc the Leaper until you realize, "Wait, I didn't care about Batroc the Leaper when I was eight years old, what the hell am I getting jazzed about him now for?"
I just threw that name in to see if anyone was paying attention. I'm sure you weren't. And that's okay.)