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December 06, 2015
Football Thread: Sunday Late Game Edition [CBD]
The Indianapolis Colts visit The Pittsburgh Steelers For the bragging rights to being slightly better than mediocre. They're both 6-5, although The Colts have a real shot at winning their division. Pittsburgh? Not so much. there is a real football team in the AFC North called the Cincinnati Bengals.
[Photos courtesy of Niedermeyer's Dead Horse Web Search and Snark, LLC]
Unfortunately the Steelers do not have an official cheerleading squad, and a perusal of the intertubes yields very little unofficial stuff that won't get me censured by the censors.
And just a taste of that risque stuff....
And maybe just one more for the Moronettes....
For any NY/NJ Morons who are interested: there is a Moron Meet-up scheduled for December 18th, 6:00pm-9:00pm in the West Village.
For more information: nynjmeet at optimum dot net

posted by Open Blogger at
07:30 PM
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