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December 03, 2015
Voter Asks Hillary Clinton if Juanita Broaderick Should Be Believed, If All Women Are to Be Believed About Rape
“You recently came out to say that all rape victims should be believed? But would you say that about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones? Should we believe them as well?” the audience member asked.
“Well, I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence,” Clinton said, drawing applause.
She then grins and nods, her witch's cackle half-suppressed.
Several problems with that answer:
1. At what point did Hillary believe these women?
2. What "evidence" has disproved their claims? I mean, apart from Hilary's and Syd Blumenthal's smears and whispering campaigns.
Video at the link.