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December 02, 2015
Early Reports: Active Shooter In San Bernadino, CA; Up to 20 People Shot
LA Times: Police Searching for Black SUV; Shooters Have Escaped
I just heard thirty people, actually.
Update: I'm now seeing the cops only confirming "1 to 3" shooters -- which might just be one.
Instapundit notes that we often hear claims of multiple shooters, but it usually turns out to be one. So I'm thinking now that this is just one shooter.
Three shooters:
Earlier, the Jester had tweeted:
I wasn't sure he was right, but now that he's been confirmed on the number of shooters, I'm a little more confident of his claims.
Three White Males in Military Gear: Per Fox Los Angeles, via @allahpundit.
Everytime Jester posts something, it gets confirmed a few minutes later, so I'm going to start treating his tweets as reliable (until/unless they start going astray).
Shootings are taking place at a center than treats people with disabilities.
You should know the usual suspects were already googling how close the nearest Planned Parenthood center is.
They'll now drop that embarrassing bit of salivation like one of those weird buffalo wings that looks like it came off a rotten mutant bird.
People are saying the name "Sayed Farook" was mentioned over the police scanner, and Jester also has a post that says only "FAROOK," so I'll assume the name was in fact mentioned on the scanner.
Which doesn't mean everything. In the Boston Bombing case, the name of a person was mentioned repeatedly, and that person turned out to be entirely innocent. Police scanner chatter only represents the police's current information -- which might be entirely wrong.
Update: Escaped? See headline.