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November 21, 2015
Presidential Family Forum - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
In case you missed it and, by the looks of the polls I put out on Twitter last night, you did, here's the link to last night's Presidential Family Forum.
I was an interesting forum, and I enjoyed the format. When the candidates aren't fighting the moderators or scrapping for every second of time, they are mostly sane individuals.
My take: Rand sounded surprisingly good, as did Fiorina. Cruz did well, too. I hear tell Rubio did well but, I am not getting on board with that yet, even if it means I am wrong. (Go ahead. Kick the crap out of me.)
Perhaps the most memorable moment of the night came from what seemed a really shit question from the facilitator, Frank Luntz;
"Is there a time when you cursed God?"
Santorum opened up and let it flow in a frank, eloquent, heart-rending story about his son. It was really something and those of us who were watching were spellbound. Fiorina followed up on the same question, much to my initial chagrin, but then tugged at my heart as well.
THIS format I would watch again. They spoke for three hours and looked exhausted by the end of it, but they were allowed to tell their stories.
As for, Dr. Carson... well... just see for yourself.
Don't be afraid to take a peek. It wasn't all about the weepy stuff.
Open thread.
Update: Speaking of "Democrat family values" as noted in the comments, here's a prime example.
Prepare your gag reflexes.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:16 PM
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