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AoSHQ Podcast #125: Charles C. W. Cooke »
November 20, 2015
How the Media Turned Trump Into a Nazi at 11 pm Last Night, And Then How His Nazi Status Was Confirmed By Not Commenting Until 1:53 Today
Joel Pollack runs down the latest silly shit from, let's be frank, the people who support Marco Rubio and who do not quite wish to make this plain, so they just attack the other candidates as "crazy" and hope people notice the one candidate who isn't crazy.
I just spent an hour on Twitter trying to keep the #MarcoMob from stampeding everyone into accepting their presumptions. A major argument was that because Trump hadn't yet knocked the story down, he must actually be standing by his words.
Remember, this was an 11 pm story last night.
Here was one of my main arguments from joining the stampede:
Anyway, Trump did knock the story down:
The knock on him has now morphed into "Well, my charge might have been wrong, but by not choosing his words carefully enough to disallow the misinterpretation I was determined to make, he is just as guilty as if the charge were true."
This is the Eternal Back-Up Argument of the hack: the very fact that he allowed me to make this charge against him is all the proof you need the charge is essentially true.
Look, I'm sorry fellas, but Marco Rubio is absolutely unacceptable to me. Absolutely unacceptable.
If you want to push a more "reasonable" candidate, then I wish you all luck, but as long as it's Marco Rubio you're trying to stampede me towards, No sale.