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November 19, 2015
Memory Hole: On September 9th, James Clapper Testified It Was a "Huge Concern" That Terrorists Could Smuggle Themselves Into the US Amidst Waves of Refugees
This was news, once, but now Obama and the Government-Media Complex needs it to no longer be news, so it isn't.
It is now an Unfact.
America's top spy said Wednesday that U.S. intelligence officials have a "huge concern" about Islamic State’s ability to infiltrate waves of Syrian war refugees flowing into Europe and potentially the United States as pressure mounts on Western nations to take in a growing number of people fleeing the conflict in the heart of the Middle East.
"As they descend on Europe, one of the obvious issues that we worry about, and in turn as we bring refugees into this country, is exactly what’s their background?" Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper said. "We don't obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees."
AllahPundit points out something important: While terrorists-smuggled-in-with-legitimate-refugees is a risk, it's not the highest risk.
The highest risk is simply terrorists flying over from Europe with no visa. Europeans don't need a visa -- and we're of course learning some of the most vicious terrorists in the world are those who've been permitted to fester in Europe's slums.
Abdelhamin Abaaoud wouldn't have needed a visa to fly from Belgium to the US. Now, he was on watch lists, so he couldn't have come in on his own passport; but someone just like him, who had no known record and who was thus a "cleanskin," could have come over just by buying a ticket.
That's what Diane Feinstein's bill was intended to stop, by requiring that anyone who had been to Iran or Syria in the last five years be required to at least go through the visa process.
Inadequate? Certainly, but that just points up how completely nonexistent our current security regime is. The very most basic, elemental, minimal security steps are deemed "too controversial" to implement into law.
We are so afraid of offending anyone we're going to permit Americans to be slaughtered in the street to show how completely ignorant of race or creed we are.
Because then we go to Progressive Heaven when we die or something.
Oh, and the House passed the bullshit Republican bill with 47 Democrats in support, which is enough to sustain a veto in that House.
We'll see what Senate Democrats do -- are they seriously going to filibuster it? If so: Good luck with that in November 2016, boys.