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November 19, 2015
A Quarter of British Men Believe They Have Monthly "Man Periods," According to New Study Or Something
That... actually sounds right to me.
As part of a study of 2,412 people (50pc men and 50pc women), male participants were asked if they frequently suffered the same common side effects of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that women experience during their menstrual cycle, including tiredness, cramps and increased sensitivity.
And whilst 26 per cent of men revealed that they did experience these feelings on a regular basis, perhaps a more shocking statistic is that 58pc of their female partners believed them.
So it's time to begin looking for a Plan B species for the earth. We're not going to blow ourselves up, exactly; it's going to be a combination of Idiocracy and self-extinguishing through men simply becoming women and no longer fathering children. (Japan is our future.)
I used to like dolphins as my Plan B bet, but maybe we'd be better off with a Planet of the Apes scenario.