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Overnight Open Thread (11-17-2015) »
November 17, 2015
Flashback: Obama Unilatarally Changes Immigration Law to Permit Entry of Those With Only "Limited" Contact with or Support of Terrorism
Sorry, This is Old.
It's from February 2014.
Well, if it's just limited.
The Department of Homeland Security and the State Department published the new exemptions Wednesday in the Federal Register to narrow a ban in the Immigration and Nationality Act excluding refugees and asylum seekers who had provided limited material support, no matter how minor, to terrorists.
"These exemptions cover five kinds of limited material support that have adversely and unfairly affected refugees and asylum seekers with no tangible connection to terrorism: material support that was insignificant in amount or provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, family or humanitarian interactions, or under significant pressure," a DHS official explained to The Daily Caller.
But they'll be vetin' the shit out of the refugees, don't worry about that, buddy.