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November 05, 2015
Supercut: All the Times Barack Obama Vowed That There Would be No "Boots on the Ground" in Syria
Maybe we can just call him Little Boots, because now he's saying that just a few boots -- 100 in all, for 50 special forces -- will be going.
I don't like how the Establishment and media pretends special forces troops aren't human -- they act as if they're drone robots. Like that we technically have no human troops in the theater if they're just special forces.
I guess their stupid thinking is "They signed up for this." Um, so did every one serving in the military (though Democrats seem to conceive of the military as only a vocational-training-and-college-seed-money program).
Special forces' lives count just like any other American fighting men's and women's.
I would ask rhetorically Why does the media permit Obama to engage in his own Nixonian Five O'Clock Follies and Orwellian torture of the language but it's a stupid question.