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November 03, 2015
Area Man Outrages Community By Saying He Is Not a Rapist
From Instapundit, a non-rapist in England has come under withering criticism for noting that he has not raped people and should not be treated as if he has.
Here's his article, as hateful a #shitpost of #RapeSpeech as you'll ever find.
Why I don't need consent lessons
By George Lawlor on 14th October
So many things wrong with this already, including the fact that the name "George" sounds male and the last name "Lawlor" sounds white.
Then he says this about university "consent classes" (where they teach you that you need consent to have sex, that is, that you shouldn't rape people).
They're full of people pointing out the obvious, thinking they've saved the world
This is like one rape after another, like in that movie with Jodie Foster. What was it called, oh right, Little Darlings.
I feel as if I'm taking the "wrong" side here, but someone has to say it -- I don't have to be taught to not be a rapist. That much comes naturally to me, as I am sure it does to the overwhelming majority of people you and I know. Brand me a bigot, a misogynist, a rape apologist, I don't care. I stand by that.
Again, it's like that Jodie Foster movie where a man touches her without her consent, you know the one, Contact.
Self-appointed teachers of consent: get off your fucking high horse. I don't need your help to understand basic human interaction. Secondly, go and do something. Real people need your help and they deserve better than you. Next time you consider inviting me or anyone else to another bullshit [consent class] event like this, have a little respect for the intelligence and decency of your peers. You might find that's a more effective solution than accusing them of being vile rapists-in-waiting who can only be taught otherwise by a smug, righteous, self-congratulatory intervention.
I've been struck beyond the capability of intelligible speech. You know, like Jodie Foster.
As is so often the case in this Era of Dumb, the reaction was swift and stupid.
Pretty much every liberal broadsheet in Christendom asked, "Well, what DOES a rapist look like?," hinting that Lawlor, by virtue of the fact that he has XY chromosomes, does look like a rapist. A Guardian writer suggested every man in the world, including the Dalai Lama, should post photos of themselves holding a sign that says "This is what a rapist looks like." Because, yep, any man might be a rapist.
Cathy Young meanwhile makes a different case, that the interactions between men and women are often complex and involve mixed emotions and thwarted ambitions, and it's the SJWs who are guilty of false simplification.