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October 28, 2015
Paul Ryan Nominated by Republican Caucus With 200 Votes; Daniel Webster Nets 43
Paul Ryan: 200
Daniel Webster: 43
Marsha Blackburn: 1
Kevin McCarthy: 1
Oy. Someone really likes Kevin McCarthy.
Here's how the AP reported it:
That's bias there. What was had was the rejection of one speaker and the search for another. To call it "disarray" seems a bit theatrical; tell me, has your family scavenged for food and scrambled for ammunition during this period of chaos and darkness?
It's not just the AP's liberal bias; there are a lot of Republicans who are what I call Order-Obsessed Little Fucks -- jerky-eyed, panicky little low-T hysterics -- who just go to pieces at the idea that we don't have a "leader" or that there aren't Agreed Upon Rules we can all follow blindly.
By the way, we still don't have a "leader;" we have a guy who's willing to take a job in the Congress.
So, next the vote goes to the full house, where Ryan will become the new Speaker, and I guess we all can stop covering the windows of our cars with chickenwire (so that the Hollow-Eyed Men of the Barrens can't get to us so easily) and stop slaughtering our dogs for Dog Oil, the fuel of the future.