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October 25, 2015
Bacon! (Six Degrees of...) [Y-not]
Visual News had a recent post purporting to explain the science (!) of random people knowing each other. (I say "purporting" because they quote Neil deGrasse Tyson in the article so, you know...)
It got me thinking about our brushes with greatness (or notoriety, at any rate), which of course reminded me of Kevin Bacon who, it turns out, was not a fan of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon parlor game.
I've only had a few brushes with the famous (aside from meeting and knowing important scientists or people I met through my or my husband's work).
I met this guy while I was working at our local movie theater:
He was hanging around town the day before a concert at Merriweather Post Pavillion. Dressed all in black with the exception of red socks, he came up to the ticket window and asked me where the "shops" were. It was fun because I really dug his music.
A less direct brush with fame is through my husband, who spent his high school summers working as a part-time gardener for Julia Child's aunt (who lived in the Berkshires).
How about you?
Oh, and while we're at it, yesterday in the comments sections of the SW Ohio Meetup thread and in Little Debbie's thread, people were discussing potential regional meetups. Feel free to check out those threads to find morons (and 'ettes) near you and use this one to continue those discussions.
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:00 PM
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