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October 16, 2015
Hillary Clinton: Hey, We Should Be Willing to Consider Australia's Mandatory Mass Gun Confiscation Program
"Buyback" is what the government called it for political messaging purposes -- what it actually was was a mandatory gun confiscation program, in which they kicked you back a few dollars in compensation for the property they had just seized from you.
They're constantly claiming they're not in favor of gun confiscation, just "sensible gun safety laws."
They were always lying, and now they're admitting it.
Clinton was asked at a New Hampshire town hall whether she thought an Australian-style policy could be implemented in the U.S.
"Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can’t, why can’t we?" A New Hampshire man asked Clinton.
"I think that’s worth considering. I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at," Clinton said.
More: When will Hillary be turning over her own guns?