« Senate Conservative Fund Report: Mitch McConnell Has Been A Longtime Supporter of Planned Parenthood, Voted to Keep Their Funding In Place Numerous Times, as Well as To Permit Medical Trade in Aborted Baby Body Parts |
Overnight Open Thread (9-24-2015) – It’s Quotes All The Way Down Edition »
September 24, 2015
Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood, Get This, Fails in Senate, With 8 Republicans Voting "No"
Rand Paul voted no because the spending bill (it was a general spending bill) didn't cut government enough, and Tom Cotton voted against it because it didn't restore funding to the military.
Curious about the others.
Actually I'm not that curious.
Kelly Ayotte voted to fund Planned Parenthood, because of course she did.
You don't need tricky analysis, most of the time, to figure out why people make the choices they do. 90% of the time, there is no second-level strategic thinking going on; people vote to fund Planned Parenthood because they believe in funding Planned Parenthood.
Oh, and: