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August 28, 2015
So Why Isn't Hillary's "Republicans Are Like ISIS" Statement Getting More Play in the Media?
AllahPundit wonders about this. The Free Beacon wondered first.
I'ma blow your mind: Two cheers for the media for not making a big deal about this.
Because this is just Hillary attempting to use Obama's cynical "Stray Voltage" tactic.
Major Garret exposed this two years ago.
Whenever the White House is in trouble -- which is almost always, because they're socialist and hence incompetent -- they drop a rhetorical stinkbomb on the nation, a statement calculated to be trollish, controversial, enraging, and false.
They deliberately said false things about the women's pay gap, for example.
Why? Specifically to draw attention to the statement itself, which, while it may be a negative (in as much as Obama is lying as usual), is a sort of manageable, normal, routine-business sort of negative. Politicians argue about their claims all the time; they also frequently lie. Thus, to be in that particular fight was no big deal for Obama, because he's used to that, and while there may be a downside, it's just normal wear-and-tear downside, not major damage.
Keep in mind: While the public might be getting curious about Obama's ineptitude on the VA, or Healthcare.gov, or ISIS, or his thousand other failures, that is "stray voltage," flowing possible excitement of the national media mind, which could in fact damage him badly, should the circuits complete. That sort of electricity could electrocute him.
Major Garrett:
A top White House adviser told me last week's pay gap dust up was a "perfect" example of stray voltage. This time it was premeditated.
Obama's team expected, invited, and, to a certain degree, relished last week's hubbub. That's stray voltage in action.
Or inaction.
As a theory, "stray voltage" exists in a kind of strategic void. It can't be dismissed or embraced as workable because creating controversy for the sake of controversy is, well, achievable. Like getting soup from the White House mess. It's also self-reinforcing and internally didactic. Everyone looks around and says, "See. There's controversy. It's working."
So this is why Hillary Clinton dropped her hot, wet turd on the country: to get us talking about this "outrage" instead of the fact that she is very close to having her security clearance revoked by the Intelligence Community, and even being prosecuted by the FBI.
She wants us talking about this, rather than that.
Hey, Hillary, you know who's a lot like ISIS?
You are. Because the FBI's counter-intelligence task force is investigating both of you, and your affiliated minions.