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August 27, 2015
John Boehner, at Fundraiser (of Course): Ted Cruz is a "Jackass"
Whatever we do, guys, we have to make sure this guy stays in the Speaker's chair. There's just no one else who can give us this Boehner-level of excellence in leadership and results.
What would we do without such a Giant in the speaker's chair? A political culture produces such an ubermensch but once ever 60 or 80 years. We'd be insane to demote him in favor of any other Republican.
Sorry, I Baited: I actually was attempting to bait the Establishment people on Twitter who got a bit sneery about demoting Boehner last time, and was not thinking of anyone on this site.
However, there are what I'd call "Establishment Types" on the site here, and they could, very reasonably, take this post as insulting towards themselves (and thus inviting an insult in return).
And being worried about being banned, they then might not take the legitimate opportunity to insult me back, given that I could just be a dick and ban them.
Which is a totally unfair situation -- I insult you, then you have to hold your own fire for fear of what I might do if you insult me back.
So I have removed the personally-baiting part of this post, and I apologize for that.
I'm just getting used to the new rules myself; there is going to be a period of adjustment.
Sorry if I insulted you. I can only say I actually didn't intend to insult anyone here, but rather some people on Twitter, but you'd be perfectly right to take it as an insult against you if you supported Boehner in January.
I apologize, and will be on the look-out for my own baiting statements.