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August 24, 2015
Another Hillary Lie: Team Grandmonster Never Informed DHS About Secret Email System, Despite DHS Rules Requiring Updates About Communications Systems
Seems to make sense: The DHS required regular updates about the security of email systems so they could audit them to discover if they were secure or if they were hackable.
Grandmonster Hillary never told them about this key system, upon which she conducted all of her official State business Pinterest-based Yoga Routine Research.
The State Department does not appear to have submitted legally required information regarding Hillary Clinton's secret computer server to the Department of Homeland Security during her term as secretary, FoxNews.com has learned.
All federal government agencies are mandated to submit a list of systems, vulnerabilities and configuration issues to DHS every 30 days. The department then performs a "cyberscope audit" to ensure security, a responsibility the agency has had since 2010.
FoxNews.com learned of the lapse as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request submitted June 11. It is not clear if State Department officials in charge of compliance with the DHS audits knew of their boss's server, which has been shown to have included "top secret" information in emails.
John Schindler runs down the lies from Grandmonster Hillary's recent statements and concludes:
The prodigious Team Hillary lies must stop. With each new, flat-out lie, she is damaging her party and the country. It’s time to come clean and end this charade. There’s not much time left — the FBI will end its investigation eventually, and I doubt Clinton, Inc. will like what the Bureau finds.
Among the biggest questions facing the FBI is, if Hillary had no unclassified state.gov email account, did she have (or use) higher-level governmental email? There are separate email systems for Secret and Top Secret Codeword information, respectively. Did Hillary use them at all? Did that play a role in this scandal?
If Hillary wasn’t lifting classified information from “high-side” systems (to use IC terminology), who on her staff was? That question surely is something the FBI is looking into very closely right now.
A guest on Limbaugh (actually, a guest on Mark Steyn, who was subbing for Limbaugh) spoke about this today. There are non-classified computers and classified computers. Only classified computers can accept classified information.
If you use government email, the email is routed in such a way that information from a classified computer cannot be sent to a non-classified computer. I don't mean it's against the law; I mean it's technically impossible. The system won't permit this to happen.
But Hillary was using her own system, and seems to have been the "passive recipient of unwitting information" (whatever that could mean) of a classified nature.
This could only happen because she insisted on using her own secret private system.
Furthermore, we still have the air-gap problem to talk about: The most sensitive documents, the Top Secret/SCI stuff, is only viewable on hard copy in a SCIF, a sensitive compartmented information facility, which requires the permission of two guards to enter, and exit.
You can't "hack" the system because it's not all plugged into the internet. The documents have an "air gap" separating them from the electric river of the internet.
But these documents, which are not supposed to be transferred from place to place except by physical movement through the air, nevertheless were present in electronic format on Hillary's easily-hacked, easily-forwarded-to-whoever private system.
How did this information get there? Who scanned the hard-copy documents and uploaded them, illegally, to a non-secure electronic system?
Who smuggled them past the air gap?
And why?
Why did Hillary's convenience -- assuming the documents were smuggled on to her email for her convenience -- trump very sensible, and very serious, national security protocols?