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August 09, 2015
It's Been A While Since We had A Gun Thread [Weirddave]
Gun(s) of the Week
Underwater Gun
Pretty cool GIF
Everyone knows that when dolphins get rapey, the only solution is a snub nosed .38
.500 Smith and Wesson Magnum
When Seconds Count, the Police are Just Twiddling Their Thumbs
This is why we carry
A lot of gun control advocates will tell you all about how the police are sufficient to protect you. They’ll say that if you’re robbed or mugged or attacked, just roll over and play dead. The police will fix everything. There’s no need to own a gun or carry a gun on you – that’s barbaric. And then we run into cases like this one . . .
Brittany Irish, on Wednesday, July 14th, was kidnapped, assaulted and raped by a man in northern Maine. She escaped and informed police as to what happened. She presses criminal charges alleging the same against the man who did those things.
Maine State Police don’t apprehend him. Instead, they call him up on the phone and inform him that criminal charges have been filed.
What does he do? He goes to the woman’s mother’s home and burns her barn down. Maine State Police arrive and tell the mother they can’t help her and they won’t post a trooper on the residence to protect her even though ALL SIGNS were there that an attack was imminent.
Brittany Irish and her boyfriend, Kyle Hewett, arrive at her mother’s house to see if she’s alright. They stay the night. The next morning, July 17th, at approximately 5:15 am, the alleged rapist and kidnapper blows open the door of the house with a stolen firearm. Kyle, Brittany’s boyfriend and father to their children, is shot down in cold blood trying to get his family to safety.
Brittany Irish is shot in the arm and kidnapped a second time.
I say this with no bravado whatsoever. This would never happen to me or my family. Simple fact.
Lie of the Week
Dumbass of the Week
Suspect Dead After Attempting To Rob Machine Gun Dealer
I don't even know what to say. Darwn to the tenth power.
More Proof that the Brady Campaign are Absolute Bastards
Will The Brady Campaign Victimize The Family Of An Aurora Theater Shooting Victim Again?
In a nutshell, they convince the grieving relatives of a victim of the Aurora shooting to file a frivolous lawsuit, and when it is predictably thrown out of court, abandon them to a huge legal bill. The family is now facing bankruptcy. Bastards, all of them.
WWII Gun Chest Made From Scratch
Beautiful. I wish I had the skill to do this, everything I make winds up looking like Homer Simpson's spice rack.
H/T to NinjaTurtleManiac for the picture
Defensive Gun Use of the Week
Armed Civilian Saves Lives
A 62-year-old man [Thomas McCary] with a gun in each hand fired at four people – including a 1-year-old boy – before a civilian with a concealed carry permit returned fire and wounded the shooter, cops told FOX19.
McCary was arguing with a woman around 8 p.m. Sunday night and, when the woman’s brother, Patrick Ewing, approached, McCary pulled out a .38-caliber handgun and fired three shots at him, Cincinnati police said.
Ewing didn’t get hit, but he did get his own gun and returned fire, wounding McCary in the leg. Ewing had a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
Why We Carry, Part II
Thugs armed with a shotgun smash their way into a home in Romford (VIDEO)
The video at the link is exhibit A in the case of Weirddave Vs. Gun Grabbers “Why I need a 30 round magazine and not your stupid 10 round one”. Can you imagine having to reload while this gang was breaking in? Tell ya what: Pass a law limiting the number of people who can attack me at one time (and enforce it!) to 2 and I'll agree to limited capacity mags.
Gun Rights Advocates Have A Devastating New Argument Against Gun Control. Here It Is.
Screw you. I would have dropped an F bomb, but spot on.
That Browning Guy? Fire Him, He's Useless.
The Greatest Blunder In Commercial Firearms History
You're fired!
Color Me Shocked
Gun Used By Islamic Terrorist In Garland Attack Was A ‘Fast And Furious’ Gun
G.O.T.W. Answer
That's the gun room at Fort Whoop Up, Alberta Canada.
It all started in 1869, when American fur traders brought a wagon train of whiskey and other trade goods north. They established a stockade, later known as Fort Whoop Up, and made a ton of profit before the Mounties showed up to rein in the whiskey business.
Here's another picture:
My only question is “How did the Mounties make them do anything?”
Today's Thread brought to you by gun grabber logic:
Stories and tips to @weirddave0
posted by Open Blogger at
11:32 AM
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