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July 14, 2015
Free Beacon: Hillary's Drinking is the Talk of the Town
It's all anyone can talk about, pretty much!
The lady likes her tipple. Got to give her that.

Guy behind her has that "Are my friends looking?" sort of look in his eyes
Incidentally, Hillary earlier offered "mush-mouth" talk on the Iran deal, as Rush called it; Rush noted that a reporter tried to clarify, "Do you support the deal or oppose it?," but Hillary did not answer. She rushed offstage, most likely for a refreshment, probably with some kick to it.
She is now putting out the word that she takes no position on the Iran deal-- that, like "everyone," she "lives somewhere" between support and opposition.
Jake Tapper snarked, "Some people have timeshares there" (i.e., some, like Hillary, refuse to take positions on anything -- she did the same with the TPP).