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July 13, 2015
Lefties: Rolling Stone Says Six Words Have Destroyed Scott Walker -- a Quote from AFL-CIO Clownthug Richard Trumka
So there you go.
I've got nothing today (and I have to read the open thread still, to see what you guys came up with), but this post is thin, so let's revisit the New York Times keeping Ted Cruz off its Fake Best Seller list.
The New York Times now claims that they have "evidence" of "strategic bulk purchases" of the book -- that is, essentially fake sales done by publicity houses or other groups who want to help the book make the list.
Cruz has denied that and has challenged them: If you have "evidence," let's see it.
Now comes Amazon to say that their information shows no bulk purchases, and that Cruz's book is at number 13 (below number 3, where he would have been on the Times' Fake Best Seller list, if they put him on it at all.
Now, 13 isn't 3, but it sure seems that enough people are buying the book that it is perfectly reasonable to expect that in some calculations he'd make the list. (Different people use different ways to tabulate sales; the New York Times, I'm informed, uses the Fake Algorithm featuring heavy use of the Finageler's Constant.)
Five more words that will DESTROY Scott Walker:
Scott Walker IS Haven Monahan!
Rolling Stone, why don't you just stick to giving Avril Lavaigne and Djokar Tsarnaev glamor cover shots?