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July 07, 2015
Hillary's Interview With the Woman Who Attended Her Grassroots Engagement Director's Wedding
She'll be asked the tough questions.
CNN says this airs at 5. What that probably means is 5 minutes up front, then the rest of the interview closer to six.
However, we do have advance warning about what kinds of Tough Questions Hillary's flower girl asked her. So far, CNN has teased two headlines:
Hillary "So Disappointed" in Donald Trump
Hillary Jabs at Jeb
So, rather than asking her difficult questions -- like, about her emails, and why she lied -- this dumb biscuit chooses instead to ask Hillary about things that she would offer on her own, unsolicited.
Every CNN interview goes like so: Mr. Republican, justify your horrific beliefs and statements.
Ms. Democrat, can you comment on Mr. Republican's horrific beliefs and statements?
So Hillary finally sits down with the press -- and this dumb reporterette asks her, or allows her, to just run her mouth about her opponents.
Update: She's asking about Hillary's rap of being dishonest, and her emails, but sort of vaguely and generally, which permits Hillary to just vomit up word-oatmeal.
Hillary is claiming she turned over all work-related emails-- this reporterette does not ask why Sidney Blumenthal's obviously-work-related emails about Libya were not turned over.
"Let's now talk about Republicans." Boy, they both smiled and laughed, ready to get on with the REAL questions!