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June 20, 2015
Saturday Politics Thread: Rinky Dink Links Edition [Y-not]
This happened.
That's basically, my life right now. (Including the temperature, as you'll see in the Gardening Thread.)
It's a cop out, but here are some assorted links for you to chew on.
First, an update on who has announced and who is expected to announce. There's also an extensive round up at Conservative Review, including a score card. I disagree with some of their scoring, but it's still useful fodder for discussion.
Next, some manufactured outrage and non-troversy related to the horrific mass murder in South Carolina. Apparently, it's Nikki Haley's fault (or not) because of some flag. Meanwhile, Rick Perry failed to enunciate sufficiently for some media types. Ben Carson pushed back against the President's insistence that guns were the problem. And, I thought Bobby Jindal's remarks were good.
Speaking of Jindal, a contributor over at Ricochet asks, "Should Jindal Be Kicking Himself"? I do wonder if Jindal waited too long to enter the field.
Meanwhile, the Iowa Straw Poll is dead.
The latest polls out of Iowa show some movement. Scott Walker maintains his position at the head of the pack, with Ben Carson and Jeb Bush also in double digits, but Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have both lost ground to Rick Perry.
If you have a chance, this week, take a glance at the official campaign web pages for the candidates so far. I've started looking through them and it's an instructive exercise. For example, one candidate's issues page mentions immigration in the context of "Family" (while highlighting Cuba prominently), while another mentions it in the context of national security. Fan favorite Carly Fiorina's web pages have no "issues" or platform points at all.
So that's it for this week, horde. I hope my life will cool down sufficiently to allow me to get back on track with our candidate review. But right now, it sure is hot...
Open thread for political talk or whatever suits your fancy.
posted by Open Blogger at
08:20 AM
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