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June 19, 2015
Jusassic World Isn't Just Sexist -- It's Also Racist
You guys must be totes oppressed if this is on your list of Sufferings.
mong the smorgasbord of dinosaurs that feature in this summer's biggest blockbuster, Jurassic World, is the little-known Pachycephalosaurus.
It is pronounced (pak-ee-sef-a-low-sor -us), and the lizard-like creature has a habit of escaping its enclosure.
Now, this is a fast-paced action film so there is no time for such lengthy paleontological words, leading a character to at one point abbreviate and shout: "The Pachys are out of containment!
Phonetically this sounds like a wildly racist slur, and it has left some viewers squirming uncomfortably in their seats...
Oh-- and could this be real?
Oh, and NBC is moving Brian Williams to MSNBC, where he'll handle breaking news duties or something.
Williams appeared on the Today show with Matt Lauer to do a modified limited hang-out -- he admitted the humanizing reason for his transgression (it was "ego-driven") but refused to admit the transgression itself (he won't say he lied).
So he's continuing to go with the I'm Crazy defense -- when I want something to be true, when that something will make my ego feel good, I fantasize that it is true, and thus, mutatis mutandis, it becomes true.
And that's the sort of thing you want in your Breaking News Guy.