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June 04, 2015
Boston Terrorist Suspect First Planned to Behead Pam Geller
Why does Pam Geller hate our freedoms?
saamah Abdullah Rahim, the terrorism suspect who was killed by police in Boston, abandoned a plot to behead the organizer of a controversial "Draw Muhammad" competition in favor of killing police officers, law enforcement sources told NBC News on Wednesday.
The law enforcement sources said Rahim chose that course only after he worked on plans to travel to New York and behead Pamela Geller, executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an organization classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-Islam hate organization.
CNN's Erin Burnett had a chiding question for Geller: does she enjoy being targeted for death by maniacs?
Would Burnett ask Salman Rushdie that question -- or does she agree with the sentiment expressed by Michael Moore after 9/11 (why oh why did they attack NYC, instead of somewhere troublesome like in the Red States) that while liberals don't deserve to be murdered by jihadists, conservatives sort of do?