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May 21, 2015
Huckabee: Pardon My French, But the Iowa Straw Poll Is For the B*rds
Even though Huckabee has a pretty good shot at winning this meaningless thing, he's scorning it as too expensive and too much in service of ruling class interests.
He says the "Washington Ruling Class," but as Ed Morrissey notes, it really serves the Iowa Republican Establishment, which may or may not be a lame, minor league ruling class in the its own right.
I kind of like Huckabee for doing this. And for helping inject the "ruling class" idea into the national consciousness.
Things are really bad. We are being poorly served by our rulers. It is time to begin upsetting applecarts, rocking boats, and turning over moneychangers' tables.
At some point, those who fail to rebel under such conditions deserve their own enslavement.