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May 21, 2015
Photoshop, Anyone? **CONTEST**
The Autopen of the United States (AOTUS) made a few pretty good presidential P-shops, a couple requested by me.
I like this meme, where Obama the unserious, fluff-pop-talkshow celebrity (a role he really relishes) is having a good guffaw while disastrous historical events are occurring during (and because of) his presidency.
It's just so, *him.*
The media lost their minds over the optics of Bush's wartime golfing. But they won't say 'boo!' about the Obamas basically having one long party in office while genocidal slavery openly and confidently marches across the globe. But I guess you can only call upon someone to show a moral core when you know that they have one, right?
Here's one, with more below the fold.
This one is from the rape of the Yazidis, where a two-legged animal is selling a child at a slave market:
UPDATE: According to commenter Caiwyn, this picture has been misrepresented online as that of the child slavers but :
It turned out she was a contestant in a Koran-reciting contest and had just lost. The announcer was trying to cheer her up.
Which is a huge relief, if true. Other children are being sold, of course. But this one wasn't.
This one is along the same vein, but slightly more evil.
Hey, wanna play? Post your creations (from this meme) in the comments.
Let's make it a contest like back in the Olden Times. If you can find a bigger image or crop it so we can see it better, that would be great too.
There will be several totally awesome imaginary prizes. You won't believe all the stunning things I have no ability to actually give you! I will post winners next week. Yayyy!
UPDATE II: Thanks to garagelogician in comments; nice big original pic to work from at this link: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8471/8077971985_867243d4b3_o.jpg
posted by Laura. at
01:29 PM
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