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May 15, 2015
EPA Proposes To Raise The Price Of Everything
Higher electricity costs will most obviously hit Americans in their utility bills, but also have the effect of raising the cost of every good or service produced with electricity. This didn't get enough attention, maybe because we are so used to EPA proposals that raise the cost of living in this country. It's just what they do.
The stringent emission rules, known as the Clean Power Plan, are at the center of President Obama's agenda to address the threat of climate change. Many scientists say manmade greenhouse gas emissions are causing the Earth's climate to warm, resulting in severe weather, droughts and flooding.
The agency sent what will become its final regulations for the plan to the Office of Management and Budget to undergo one last review. After the review period, which could take 60 days, the Clean Power Plan will be published and will be law.
Droughts and flooding. Droughts AND flooding.
This stuff is so bad it's like drowning from being set on fire, or something. An autopsy report on this will read: "something something Chaplinsky."
Anyway, Sens. Enzi and Barrasso announced a bill to roll back the new EPA regs on Wednesday. I would hit them for the cutesy name "ARENA" (a peeve of mine), except that it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the subject matter. It's nice and easy to say, though.
According to the Wyoming senators, The Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act (ARENA) would combat the de facto ban and early retirement of coal power plants, known as the “Clean Power Plan”, in order to ensure reliable and affordable energy, put jobs and our economy first and curb federal overreach.
The president will run to veto affordable energy so fast that if we could put him on a giant hamster wheel, he could power the state of Texas for days, at a minimum.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:59 PM
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