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April 28, 2015
Sigh: Feminist Social Justice Warriors Badger Another Company, and that Company of Course Buckles
A fat-loss supplement company called "Protein World' began running this ad:

This upset the Social Justice Tumblrinas, who began arguing that Everyone already has a "beach body," because everyone -- well, every woman -- already has the perfect body with no need of improvement. (Note that feminists are usually critical of men who could stand to do some pushups.)
So all the feminists began attacking them, and now Protein World has retracted its entire ad campaign and issued a fulsome apology.
Wait, that's not what they did at all.

Anyway, they claim the nontroversy has been good for them, and that the feminists have made them one million pounds over four days.
Good. I'm glad to see someone tell these caterwauling monsters to shut the hell up for once.
More on this at Breitbart London.
Oh, and Protein World called the feminists -- many of whom are vandalizing their advertisements, or even threatening to destroy their offices -- "terrorists."
Tumblrina video h/t to ConservativeMonster.