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Overnight Open Thread (4-22-2015)–Happy Erf day Edition »
April 22, 2015
Captain Kickass: You Know, We Could Penetrate Iran's New S-300 Air Defense System, If We Felt Like It
AllahPundit wants to know if anyone in the press will ask him if Israel could penetrate the air-defense system, which is the more important question.
Couple of Points:
Captain Kickass likes talking tough. His idea of athletic competition is not actually, you know, athletic competition; it's trash-talking, which is an exceptionally annoying thing coming from someone who sucks this bad at basketball and who is so bad at golf -- which is actually his career now -- that Michael Jordan openly mocks him.
Captain Kickass also likes Lying to the public, giving them False Reassurances, such as the claim that ebola cannot be transmitted by sneezing, or that we had all the time to dick around with Iran that we like, because they're at least a year away from building a bomb.
Now, to put pressure on the public, he changes that and noted that they're only 2-3 months away from building a bomb -- but if we agree to his dopey plan to install a sworn enemy of America as Hegemon of the Middle East, that number will go back up to one year.
So he is now probably lying about the US' ability to penetrate the improved Russian-provided air defenses. Lying, so he can Reassure us that if we really need to, we can take out those pesky Iran nukes before they detonate them on America.
But he's probably lying, because he is really good at lying.
That's really his sport.
Oh, and open thread.
Before I go, I wanted to give a present to Alex the Chick.