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April 19, 2015
Artist Breathes New Life into WWII Photographs [Y-not]
Via the Military Times.
Nicely done.
On the morning of September 2, 1945, more than two weeks after accepting the Allies terms, Japan formally surrendered. The ceremonies, lasting less than half an hour long, took place on board the battleship USS Missouri, anchored with other United States' and British ships in Tokyo Bay. Spectators and correspondents from all over the world picked vantage positions to watch the formal Japanese surrender ceremony marking the end of World War II. (Photo: Colorized by Royston Leonard)
Last week during the commemoration of Lincoln's assassination I saw many fascinating photographs of Lincoln and the events of that era. It occurred to me how powerful a medium photography is, especially when conveying historical events. It transforms an historical event into one that feels immediate, closer to a news report than to a lesson from a book.
Dead Federal Soldiers on Battlefield - Gettysburg, PA, July 1863
It would have been something to have photographs of the Founding Fathers. Perhaps had they been available, some of our fellow countrymen would not be so quick to toss aside the principles upon which they built this country.
Abe wasn't the first President photographed, but photographs of him may have been the first ones to leave such an indelible mark on the American psyche.
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:15 PM
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