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Overnight Open Thread (17 Apr 2015) »
April 17, 2015
"Batman v. Superman" Trailer Leaks Online
It's poor-quality cellphone video of a trailer that played, apparently, in Portugal or Brazil, but pretty cool.
Apparently The Geeks decided this trailer was awful. I don't see why. I found the chatter about Superman in the beginning -- clips from news shows as people debate this alien savior (????) and what it means to have a god walking around on earth -- pretty realistic and smart.
I remember a comic called All Star Superman by Frank Quitely exploring these sorts of questions, particularly from the point of view of Lex Luthor, who is revealed to have a decent philosophical (if egotistical) objection to the God Who Walks The Earth.
Eh, I liked it.
Just guessing from what I see here, they're reversing the more-common plot were Superman is trusted, and asked by The People to capture the vigilante Batman. It seems instead that Superman is suspected and feared, and it's Batman who is sort of channeling the Fears of the Public in trying to capture Superman.
I wonder if Bruce Wayne has actually teamed up with Lex Luthor to build the Superman-killer Batarmor. (At this point I figure Lex Luthor is not known as a criminal, and even if Batman suspects he is one, he's not going to turn down a chance to get his hands on some Luthortech.)
Like: The humans have turned to the two smartest and most powerful humans, Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor, to arm-up the most skilled human combatant, Batman, to take on the non-human Superman. Teaming up those three people (wink, wink) as the champions of humanity.
And Batman could figure out that despite sharing DNA with Luthor, Luthor is really the "alien" at least on a moral/ethical plane, and Superman is actually the "human" one...
That could work. Damn, I kind of like that.
I'm sure it'll be too dark and "gritty" and all that crap that made the first Man of Steel so awful, but based just on what I see (and mostly hear here), this seems smarter than I thought.
I tend to get excited when this sort of movie actually thinks up a plausible premise for the conflict, rather than just saying "Well so one guy's like bad and the other guy's good so like they fight, okay?" It's not hard to come up with reasons why Batman would want to fight Superman (you just have to read the past ten years of comic books: Batman, like Luthor, does not like the idea that this insanely-powerful alien could, if he wanted to, just pretty much destroy the earth, and earthlings have no real defense against it), and it's a small but good thing they bothered to look into this.
Early night open thread.
It's Friday, you know.