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Overnight Open Thread (4-15-2015) »
April 15, 2015
Sarah Silverman Struggles to Come Up With Her Own Tale of Wage-Discrimination Woe; Comes Up With One Example, Then, When Confronted With the Facts, Apologizes and Admits It's Not a "Very Good" Wage Discrimination Story At All
They love their Stories, don't they?
Talking with Salon about all the Wage Discrimination this comedian has not faced, she invented a tale of woe in which a club owner paid her (male) friend Todd Barry $60 for a set, but only offered her $10.
The club owner read of this, and responded by reading her the riot act:
Are you kidding ? You come in to my club 15 years ago and ask me for a guest spot , I did not ask you to perform and you were not booked, and Then you ask me for pay ? You asked to work out some material...
Then you make this a gender pay thing ? Sarah great cause I am with it, but I did not pay you less cause of gender …..I paid you less because Todd Barry was booked and you weren't…It was a GUEST SPOT, so I gave you some car fare, which actually is more than almost any club would have given for a GUEST Spot…Funny how in your attempt to become a super hero with a noble cause, you forgot that little fact…GUEST SPOT ….GUEST SPOT
Comedians often appear at clubs unannounced to work out new material -- material which isn't ready for a paying audience. But they do need to test it out on people -- so they appear by surprise, in front of a crowd that isn't expecting them so they can't be really disappointed if the material is weak or raw.
They aren't often paid for this -- because they're not providing the club any kind of service. It's really more the club that's providing them the service.*
So this guy offered her $10 for gas.
She now admits that this club owner is right, and that she should not have made this claim.
But she's doubling down on it anyway, and calling critics "maniacs."
To the maniacs who want to use this as a chit against women’s issues, I ask that you please don’t. Because that would be super shitty. Feel free to aim your vitriol at me but leave this issue of working women out of it, K?
This has the feel of the UVA Rape story-- we're going to keep trotting out these claims of rapes being ignored by the authorities, and then, when those stories turn out to be completely false, we're going to call you nasty names like "rape apologist."
Let's face it: Sarah Silverman's real story here -- which she won't admit -- is that she has never suffered wage discrimination.
A lot of the feminists pushing this issue haven't suffered it themselves -- but they're sure that someone out there must have.
After all, other feminists say so, don't they?
PJ Media's Scott Ott concludes:
To sum up, let’s follow the Leftist logic.
1) Silverman was recruited because her notoriety might help the cause.
2) She fabricated a story to identify with the cause, and ostensibly with its female victims.
3) She is unmasked as a liar, and now wants you to disassociate her from the cause to which her notoriety and personal identification brought more than 166,000 viewers.
4) If you insist on disagreeing with the cause, you’re a "maniac."
* Well, the club gets a service too; they get to be known as a comic's home club, which is kind of a thing. Like, anyone going to the Laugh Factory might know that Dane Cook could possibly show up any night to do workout material (at least, any night he's not on tour).
I guess that's a Good News Bad News sort of thing with Cook.
But clubs aren't selling tickets based on the possibility Dane Cook could show up to work out his new, raw, and possibly completely unfunny material.
Like, sometimes the material is so poorly received it becomes a news story.
Eh, point is, you don't often get paid for this kind of thing, and if you do get paid, you get paid a scale sort of payment. Like, just to be nice.
Silverman seems to want have been paid more, just because she was A Big Comic by this point.
Fine: But dude, if you're not booked, the club hasn't been able to sell tickets based on your appearance, have they?
Nope. The people coming to that show were coming based on Todd Barry being the booked headliner.