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April 11, 2015
A 2008 Presidential Candidate Makes The Case Against An Iranian Nuclear Program [CBD]
The argument of course will be that the brilliant foreign policy machinations of the Skittles and Unicorns child in the White House has fundamentally transformed the Mullahs of Iran.
That anyone would believe that is difficult to accept, even understanding the blindness and stupidity of the media and the LIVs.
[Video moved below the fold...it isn't behaving very well]
WATCH: If your neighbor was a mass-murdering terrorist, would you be okay with giving him a nuclear bomb in 13 years? That's what's happening with Iran -- the biggest sponsor of terror in the world -- in the nuclear deal. And yesterday, President Obama admitted it. You need to watch this video. And if you're not ready for terror nukes in the hands of Iran, take action now. Join over 30000 people and add your name to NoBombForIran.com
Posted by The Israel Project on Tuesday, April 7, 2015

posted by Open Blogger at
11:55 AM
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