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April 07, 2015
In South Carolina, White Officer Charged With Murder In Gunning Down of Black Man After Traffic Stop
The video is pretty harrowing.
The officer says that the "suspect" stole his Taser after a scuffle, thus creating some justification for a shooting (I guess....), but at 1:37 in the video, the officer drops something near the man's body which is said to be a stun gun.
That is, planting the Taser which he says had been stolen.
Or, at least, he's "helpfully" locating it nearer the body.
I can't say if this man really did take his Taser or not. I can see, though, that post-shooting, the cop moves it next to the guy.
Open blog. Brandon is going to have election results in Ferguson and Chicago, I think, plus the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, where the woman who got into a fight with Prosser is trying to keep her phony-baloney job.
Unrelated Update:
Via Y-Not, here's the incompetent US government's incompetent theorizing upon how they incompetently permitted the Russians to hack the White House.
Unrelated Update: Obama uses Easter to let Christians know he's very disappointed in you-- speaking "as a Christian," you understand.