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March 31, 2015
Apple's Gay CEO Tim Cook Wants to Boycott Indiana for Its Allegedly Anti-Gay RFRA, But Will Gladly Sell You an iPhone At Its Boutique in Riyadh, Where They'll Stone You to Death For Being Gay
Of course.
I would seriously pin Apple's ears back over this. If you're a stockholder, write to them. Demand they stop selling iPhones in any country in which homosexuality remains a crime. (Homosexuality is an on-the-books crime in most countries, still, not just the ones where they actually stone gays to death.)
Tim Cook, and all the rest of the gay leftwing bullies, are of course bullying people.
As usual.
Few people ever refused service to gays at bakeries before gay marriage. There was not some great scourge of people refusing service to gays.
What people are doing is refusing to take part in a gay marriage ceremony.
They are refusing to endorse a political act. Which is their right.
Gays are not being denied cookies or donuts at a bakery. They are only being denied gay wedding cakes, because the latter, unlike the former, constitutes a political act which violates their religious understanding.
If a printer refused to print up "OBAMA IS A KENYAN COMMUNIST BILLS," would the bullies say the person demanding he print those up could compel him to do so by calling the cops?
Of course not, of course not. The Left's conscience is a sacred thing which must never be offended.
While they meanwhile use Police State tactics to obliterate everyone else's.