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March 28, 2015
News Roundup: Jew-Hate Edition [CBD]
Apartheid State Soldiers Harass Minorities
Virginia State Bar boycotts Israel
This is a ham-handed attempt to cater to the BDS crowd. But every time a seemingly legitimate organization (Yeah..I know...it's lawyers) accepts the premise that Israel is outside of the world of nations it legitimizes attacks on its existence.
Jew, Or Dog? Our Favorite HBO Actor Opines
Williamson's caveat that Dunham is Jewish means nothing -- The Self-Hating Jew is an all-to-common thing. And Dunham is a leftist through and through. Her religion means very little in comparison to her political manifesto.
Speaking of Self-Hating Jews....Rep. Steve Israel Beclowns Himself
Rep. Steven King (R-IA) asked: "Here is what I don't understand, I don't understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their President."
Well Representative King, it's because they care more for their partisan politics than the survival of their religious and cultural origins and the existence of a staunch democratic ally in the ME.
But his colleague in the House had this to say: "Especially galling is pronouncements by people who've never been to Israel that Democrats like me are failing the loyalty test."
So...all of the Morons around here who profess unequivocal support for the State of Israel (but have never been there) are mere poseurs in comparison to Steve Israel, whose "support" of Israel includes accepting Obama's attacks on the only democracy in the ME and support for Leftist organizations that explicitly reject the concept of a free, democratic Israel.
Of course there is good news too...
Those who continue to hate Israel, hate America," Cruz said in Washington DC in September at an event called, In Defense of Christians. "Those who hate Jews, hate Christians. If those in this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps for them.

posted by Open Blogger at
11:53 AM
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