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March 17, 2015
This Ended Poorly: Black People Attempt to Tweet Their "Real Talk" About Race At Starbucks' Executive; He Blocks Them, Then Deletes the Account
Yeahhhh let's have that Real Talk About Race, Starbucks.
Well what I'm thinking is that some blacks were annoyed that this was a sort of Cultural Appropriation, which isn't a thing but most of what the SJWs talk about is completely made up, and an example of Privilege, all these White People talking about race issues like they know.
So anyway, they expressed that opinion about race -- which I think is wrong, but then, no one cares about my opinion about racial matters; my role in the National Conversation is to sit silently while I am vented at -- and so this Starbucks guy almost immediately Shuts Down The Conversation His Company Is Trying to Have.
Here's his explanation:
Following the backlash, Starbucks' senior vice president of communications, Corey duBrowa, deleted his Twitter account, which added to critics' outrage.
DuBrowa told Business Insider that he deleted his account because he was he was attacked by critics of the campaign.
"I was personally attacked through my Twitter account around midnight last night and the tweets represented a distraction from the respectful conversation we are trying to start around Race Together," duBrowa said. "I'll be back on Twitter soon."
Let me explain something to you, Jasper: If you want to have a Corporate-Sponsored Discussion of Race, one of the topics must inevitably be should we have a corporate-sponsored discussion of race? And if you're not willing to even entertain that question, you're not really willing to have a discussion of race.
You should also be prepared for the fact that all "discussions of race" start and end with attacks on the motives of anyone identified as white, white-acting, or white-employed (is Starbucks just doing this to get black people to buy their coffee?!?!), and this is not only part of the discussion, but usually the entirety of the discussion.
And if you're not adult enough and intelligent enough to recognize that "conversations on race" are chiefly group tribal attacks and coordinated tribal point-scoring, you're also not ready to have this "conversation on race" that you think you want.
I got news for you, idiots: Schultz' idea of a conversation on race is one upper-class white progressive chatting with another upper-class white progressive about a Dickens of a story he heard on NPR.
That's not what "discussions on race" really are, Idiots.
Eh, why tell you about it? I don't want to spoil the surprise.